I'm julesliana, and I welcome you to my humble card collection. Yay \(^○^)人(^○^)/
I started collecting cards this year on September 23, and hopefully more to collect soon. My first card collection was in my blog in MAL, but I decided to build a wesbite to test the limits of my abilities. I opted for a minimalist look so that it looks simple but sleek, and it also gives the beautiful cards more emphasis (and also that I wouldn't go crazy and overboard with all of the codes). The resources I used in building this website are Github Pages (hosting), Brackets (code editor), Favicons, Font Awesome (icons), W3.CSS (framework), and of course, Google Search (for HTML and CSS stuff).
This was really fun and awfully a pain to make so I'd really appreciate if you'd leave some feedback. If you have any comments, suggestions, questions, violent reactions (hopefully none), I linked my accounts in the bottom of this website so you can just message me right away.
Thanks for viewing my collection. See you around! ^^